Wednesday, September 12, 2007


"Mr Thompson are you going to join the race?" I have not decided whether to join the race. I might join the race but I am still not sure. If I do join I will join at the most opportune time but like I said I am not 100 percent certain if I will run or not.

Similar Q and A during hostage crisis.

President Thompson are you going to give into terrorist demands in order to free the hostages. I have not decided whether I should give into the demands of the terrorists. I might negotiate but I am still not sure. If I do negotiate it will be at the most opportune time but like I said I am not 100 percent certain I want to do anything.

Another Q and A during newsconference about nuclear bomb in US

President Thompson what are you going to do to stop the bomb the terrorist possess from being detonated on US soil. Well I am looking into it but we have not come to any conclusions. I think I will give it more time. I really need to think about whether I want to deal with this at this time. If I do decide to deal with this situation I will do a real good job after all I am a good conservative.

After nuclear strike by Iran on New York City

President Thompson are you going to declare war on Iran? Well I still need to deliberate with my wife and then talk to the actors guild about this. I am really not sure if I will ask congress to proceed with declaring war on Iran.