Saturday, September 15, 2007

Washington Post

This newspaper did a very honest and balanced article on Mitt Romney today. I don't have a lot of hope for Romney but he is someone one should never count out. Romney will find a way in the end to make a really good showing. I trust the Washington Post to be more honest than the Boston Globe and even more than Real Clear Politics. I like Real Clear Politics for their poll average and their conservative credentials. I don't like them because they have given everyone else a fairer shake than Romney. They seem to worship McCain who I can not stand. Anyway Time Newsweek and a lot of the liberal media outlets bag on Romney that is a good thing in my book.


These are some of the things I am missing out on while I am in Turkey. We are only here on base for 16 hours and it is very difficult to get off of base. Some guys that are stationed here showed me some pictures of a trip they took today and it looks totally different than what I expected. Turkey was a desert in my mind before coming here. Tomorrow I will be at my final destination. I don't like it here but there are some good things to see.